Every Wednesday going forward will be our "How to..." day. Today? How to make those short short summer trends work for YOU.
Regarding clothing, summer time usually consists of less coverage than the norm... crop tops, short dresses, even shorter shorts. Not everyone feels like their body is summer ready with that amazing stomach, killer legs, and nice booty. Do you want to wear that adorable crop top or super short denim shorts and still feel comfortable? I have some ideas for all of you.
Crop tops. For all you ladies with ab-tastic stomachs, props to you. Love your legs? Wear short shorts AND a crop top. Not in the mood to show off your stems? Throw on a pair of palazzo pants with a crop top.
Props to Nikki & Allison for being total babes.
Do you love the crop top but just wish there was something else you could add? Try throwing on an over sized shirt. You can still rock that that top without feeling uncomfortable or that you're showing too much skin.
Okay. Mini dresses and short shorts. There is nothing cuter than short denim shorts for a summer day or a mini dress with a pair of booties. Personally, every time I buy a dress I feel like the bottom of my booty is hanging out #tallgirlproblems. And with denim, sometimes we just don't feel comfortable in those short shorts. Solutions? Try tying a plaid or denim button up around your waist. It makes your mini dress super casual for your daily activities and you no longer have to feel like your butt is hanging out of those shorts.
Alina killing it.. as per usual.. in her plaid & denim button ups.
Kimonos & Cardigans. One of my favorite looks this summer is mixing tight & loose. Lately I have been wearing my white DL ripped jeans or short shorts with my printed 6shoreroad kimono. Not everyone loves wearing things tight & short but throwing on a kimono or oversized cardigans allows you to rock both looks.
Check out Kourtney Kardashian rocking her printed kimono & short denim.
Have some more summer trend solutions? Let us know :)
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