It was another one of those mornings... those amazing mornings where we were surrounded by endless dresses, tops, jumpsuits, pants... we saw it all. Best part about it is I get to share it with you guys :)
If I need a dress, the first (and last) designer I am going to look at is Jay Godfrey. Remember those killer gowns Alina and Allison wore last weekend to a wedding? Yup, those were beauties by Jay.
The most amazing little black dress with lace detail.
What's better than black? (not much...) EXCEPT a dress with black AND nude.
Same colors. Two styles. Both amazing.
Personally, I LOVE neutrals, but it's always nice to add a pop of color into your wardrobe. Especially hot pink & purple.
For you jumpsuit lovers... perfection.
Okay.. back to black and neutrals.
Both the white and black tops on the left have a sexy cutout.
And how sick are these patterns up close? Patterned and textured. Seriously cannot get a cooler top.
New Jay Godfrey pieces coming soon :)
Just because we love him so much, check out some of our favorite celebs rocking Jay Godfrey.
Blast from the past with these three Laguna girls.
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