The only thing I love more than a rainy day is an awesome rainy day outfit.
We need to get rid of the notion that rain boots and a raincoat that you don't really love that doesn't even go with anything is the only thing you can wear- because really, you can wear anything.
But since rainboots are the most practical, keep in mind you can still make them cute- even though they're not too cute themselves.
Rainboots, Check. Umbrella?
if I am going to look like Blake Lively, check check!
Okay, the most annoying thing about a rainy day is your hair. It rarely stays nice, even with an umbrella or a hood...
Unless you throw on a super cute hat
If you're like me, and you look awful in hats... then try a cute pony, a top knot, or a messy braid.
And for what you're actually wearing, keep it super casual.
Big Comfy Sweaters & Ripped Jeans
This is all if you HAVE to go out on a rainy day...
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.