We are huge lovers of chocolate and flowers, but we are also huge fans of clothes, jewelry, and anything new.
I'm not saying you have to buy her a car or diamond necklace (if you want to that's OK too) BUT you can buy her a little something that you know she will be pleasantly surprised with.
Here's some ideas that we know she will love.
If you don't want to do anything crazy, pick up a few things, like our favorite most amazing smelling Suite 201 candle, a pair of cozy slippers, and a hat/scarf. It makes it seem like you really put thought into this one.
Jewelry. Like Jennifer Zeuner or anything else cute and easy that she can wear layered.
This is always easy because you can never go wrong. Layering jewelry is extremely in right now and we know the perfect pieces.
Think comfy and/or basics. Nothing is better than getting a cute sweatshirt or one of the best cozy sweaters. We know girls so we know what they will love, regardless if they try it or not. Basic leggings, tees, and tanks are the perfect gift and the best to open.
If all else fails, get her gift certificate- because we all know she will be able to find something on her own.
Or take any of these ideas into consideration!
At the end of the day, Valentine's day is about being together... so don't forget to give her her present and THEN tell her you're going to cook her dinner ;)
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.