Maternity Must Haves Suite201/ 0 Comments Although eating for two seems to be no problem (especially when you love to us), dressing for two can be a bit challenging. The biggest problem we see with pregnant women is struggling with buying "maternity clothes" and feeling like they can't wear them again. The key to dressing while your pregnant is buying things you can wear after pregnancy as well. So... Maternity Must Haves? 1. Jackets and button ups. Especially leather or something plaid because even when you're not pregnant, you are rarely going to zip them. 2. Jumpsuits. 3. Things that are tight. Show off that baby bump! 4. Cute shoes... booties or even better, a little sneaker. 5. Flowy little dresses... to wear with your sneakers <3 6. Cute Comfy things. You can wear sweats with sneakers and a leather jacket and be the cutest pregnant person out there. 7. Accessories. Rings, necklaces, hats... anything to create different looks with the same clothing. Get Inspired. xo About Post Author Suite201 Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. You may also like