Prom Prepared Suite201/ 0 Comments We love prom so much we wish we could go back every single year. With that being said, we have created the ultimate checklist of prom necessities... all of them having to do with your outfit, of course. First things first, the dress. Whether you are going for something a little more subtle, something beaded, flowy, tight... we have it all. After you have the dress, you need the proper shoes and accessories, right? Jewelry- like a choker, layered necklaces, some rings, are the perfect addition to a dress that is a little more simple (which we love). Is your dress plunging? has an open back? or just doesn't allow you to wear a normal bra. No worries, we've got you covered... literally. Fashion Forms makes the greatest covers, front bras, fashion tape... and we have them ALL. And of course, who doesn't need a new shoe? We just got the most amazing lace up heels that would be perfect with any dress. Feeling a little pale and desperate for some color? Mobile Spray Tanning - amazing, right? One of our favorite people ever, Therese, can come to your house, spray you, and leave you looking and feeling like you were just on vacation. Check her out on facebook - OR follow her on instagram @spraytansbytee Stay tuned for all of our amazing new arrivals! SO many perfect prom dresses <3 About Post Author Suite201 Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. You may also like