When you think special occasion, black tie affair, or wedding, what do you see yourself wearing?
Probably a dress.
While everyone knows we love a good dress, we want you to know it is not your only option.
Think outside the box.
Option One. The Tuxedo.
From to die for street style, to the Red Carpet at the Oscars, celebrities have been mastering the art of wearing a tuxedo.
The key to the tuxedo is embracing tailored looks and putting together pieces that appear to have been made for you.
I know... it looks like a lot of work.
The solution? Tux Couture by Yansi Fugel
Exclusive to Suite201, Tux Couture allows you to customize your tuxedo exactly as you want it.
With 7 pant options, 2 jackets, button downs, a bodysuit, a silk reversible cami (the possibilities are literally endless), you can get a 3 piece tuxedo chosen, tailored, and worn only by you.
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.