@somethingnAvy Suite201/ 0 Comments 400,000 Instagram followers. An incredible blog. The world's cutest dog. A wardrobe to die for. Who else, but Arielle Nachmani? Creator of somethingnAvy and one of our favorite fashionistas, Arielle inspires us daily....and has the world's best shoe collection. But why do we love her so much? 1. Because she has an adorable dog who actually acts like a human. 2. Because of her beautifully tousled mermaid hair. 3. Because she likes to eat<3 4. Because of the closet full of shoes she shares with us daily. 5. Because she has mastered the art of a monochrome outfit. 6. Because her family is so important to her. 7. Because she has a love for pink. 8. Because she is FUN. 9. Because her closet/work space is every girl's dream. 10. Because she genuinely loves what she does. Congratulations to our favorite fashionista and thank you for giving us a daily inside look at your life. We <3 you! @somethingnAvy www.somethingnAvy.com About Post Author Suite201 Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. You may also like